Black Hole by Charles Burns

I just got through reading Charles Burns’ book Black Hole.

I didn’t really like the way it ended, but endings rarely end in a way that’s satisfying. I hardly ever read a book that ends in a way that’s satisfying, especially the books that I really do get taken with.

I was really taken with this book.

This book took me back to times that I remember. That can be an interesting thing. That can be a pleasant and unpleasant thing and all the while that you’re remembering the time because of what you’re reading you can be impressed with how the book is like the way that you remember it to be sometimes – even though it’s not. And that can be an interesting thing because you mostly think that no one really gets the way it was for you and you wonder why that it is.

It can dig up these old feelings, which like the book are unresolved. The story’s unresolved and the feelings that you had are unresolved within you too.

If the book is said to be in any way a story about being a teenager, does it matter when you were also a teenager, as you are reading it, in order that it make those feelings, any of those feelings, be remembered and still be unresolved?

How can I answer that? I don’t think that I even care to try and answer that.

But I am interested in asking it, because asking it will let me get away from how it’s done it now.

I think that I must like to get away from how it’s done it now, even though it is a thing that is, in some way it’s agreeable that it has happened, the feeling of it being what it is, might be interesting to me, but the feeling is a strange one and it isn’t really pleasant, but it is attractive in a way.

The feeling is attractive in a way because it makes you go away, and that is, of course, what happens in the book. The feeling makes you go away. That is what the book is saying. The feeling is unpleasant, but it is attractive because it makes you go away. There is something that’s agreeable about when you go away.

Anyone who goes away, can then later, they can look back to where they were, and can attempt to go back there to where they were, but they cannot ever get there, they cannot ever go back there to where they were.

But they can take you there. They can take you there as they attempt to go back there, as they show you how they think it was back there, as they tell you how they do remember it to be back there, but they can only take you there, they can’t go back to there.

But they can show you something on the inside that everyone was thinking and that you were wondering if maybe they were thinking. And it can be as you suspected that it was. And that can make it all seem really real.

This is interesting the way that Black Hole is a story that is really quite fantastic and unreal, and how much in spite of that, it all seems really real.

The features of the way it was, is how it was, and I wonder if it matters if it isn’t like that now. I really couldn’t say, and I do not care to say, because it’s not that interesting to me.

Someone who is seeing how it isn’t how it was for them in any way might be saying how it wasn’t and what they think about the story. But I am not that one, and I don’t care to speak for such a person either. How could I and why would I – I wouldn’t and I couldn’t and I do not care to even try.

The girl who has the tail really is important. That much is clear to anyone.

There are people who become the way they are through being with some other people. And any one can see that’s true at any time in any place. And there are people who appear to have become the way they are not by being with some other people, but who have become the way they are just by being who they are – and they have always been that way.

I like that someone like that is the one I really like. And the one who likes the one who’s like that is another one I also really like. And I also like the fact that the ones you think will be together are not the ones who come together because it doesn’t really matter what so many stories that are made for you imagine what they think you want and like.

Sometimes the ones you might predict will get together because of how the story usually goes do not get together because the story goes another way, and that can be agreeable. I did think that was good.

It can be a mystery why anybody likes somebody else, and why somebody else might or might not like someone who does apparently like them.

This isn’t really about sex, whatever that might mean, and the reason why it isn’t is because sex remains a question – what is sex? – and no one really knows the answer, but many people have a notion about what it really is, or how to do it right. This isn’t really about sex because who could ever really say what sex is really anyway without anybody contradicting what they say?

This is about the way that you might think about the way that being someone, who might be you or be like you, who is going to change is changing, and if that changing is a thing that means that you are changing into someone else or if it means that you are changing into something else, or both or neither of those things, and what it has to do with other people, who may or may not also be like you.