politics is time not space

Politics is pointless. There is no point denying this because it is so clear for anyone to see, and denying it is only just a thing to do because you hope it is not true or fear that it is true or know that it is true but wish it were not true or intend to try to hide that it is true or really try to make yourself and anybody else believe that it is true, that it really is not like that, that politics is really something that really has a point – but how could it really have a point? There is no point to politics, and anybody trying to make a point in politics will find out fast and easily how true that really is.

Right and left is meaningless in politics. And there is no in between. There is no space in politics, so how could there be direction? There only is momentum.

How could there be a right or left or in between? And without any space, or any kind of a direction, how could there be a point? There couldn’t be a point. There could only be a point that said it was a point, which might appear to be a point, but isn’t actually a point. There is no point in politics.

People talk about the right and left, but what can it really mean, when there is no right or left in politics, no in between, no point? People talk about the in between in politics, but what could that really mean when there is no in between? There is no stream in politics, no stream that’s main, no stream that isn’t main. So what then could any of this mean?

Politics is only ever just a way of saying anything.

People find this really disconcerting. How could they find it to be any other way?

And don’t think that they won’t kill you. Don’t think that they won’t do the worst of anything that they can do to you and those around you too, if you say it any differently than how they think that you should say it. Saying it is everything,

Even though a lot of people say that saying it is only something that is not the same as doing it – saying it is everything in politics.

And anyway, they may say that all they like, that saying it is not the same as doing it, but anyone can see and know and find out for themselves, happily or not, that saying it is doing it. If you do not say it in the way they think you should, then you will sometimes quickly then discover just how much it really is the case that saying it is doing it. Then you will find out that you have to say it in the way that someone thinks is right. But there is always disagreement about this, so you are always going to be stuck between the way you say the things you say and the way that others say them, and no matter who you are this will always be the case.

But some people can do more to you that isn’t good for you much easier than anybody else.

Politics is power, and it’s saying things about the way things are, and how they aren’t, and how they’re going to be, and how they were, and how to get them to be either how they were or how they ought to be.

There is a lot of saying going on in politics, and like anyone could tell you easily, there are people saying things you hear, and there are people saying things you don’t hear all that well, and politics is all about trying to say things loudly, as loudly as you can – unless you’re being secretive, and that is something interesting because it is a thing that’s quiet in a way, but also is a thing that in another way is loud.

Politics, you see, is not really about space. Politics, you see, is really about time.

I guess that you could say that time is like a sound and space is like a sight. Which could mean that politics is something that you hear. Even though it’s popular to think of politics as something that you see, it’s still the case that politics is something that you hear. Even when you look at it, what you’re looking at is something that you hear. Can you imagine it?

What is the mind? It is not politics.

Can you see how politics is something about time more than it ever could be thought to be something about space?

Think about a noisy club.

When you are in a noisy club everybody’s brought together by the noisy sound of music usually. You might have lots of drinks. You might have come there with a lot of friends. Or you might have met them there. Maybe all of you sat down around a table and had drinks and talked with one another. But you would have to yell because the music was so loud.

There is a reason anyone who runs a bar can tell you is a reason that is good for letting music be a sound that’s louder than you are when you are in their bar. The music loud like that makes everybody in the bar be everybody in the bar together in the bar and drinking in the bar. The music is the network of the bar. The music dominates the bar and evacuates the space that’s in the bar.

That is why it’s difficult to move around.

Maybe you are dancing. That’s not so difficult because you move around within an area that’s limited. But try to leave or find the washrooms in the place. It’s always difficult to navigate through space that’s filled with sound, and that’s the reason why you have a hard time usually when you head off to the bathroom in the bar.

You might think that it’s because you had a lot to drink. But try to do it when there is no music playing, and you will quickly see that what it is that makes it hard is the dominance of time in relation to the space, and time establishes itself by way of loud sounds in the bar.

That is why it is so clear to see that politics is time not space and it mostly operates as sound.

It doesn’t matter what you say, just as long as you continue and keep on saying it.

Anybody trying to be the winner in a game of politics needs to learn that this is true.

It doesn’t matter what you say, just as long you continue and keep on saying it.

If you keep on changing it, then someone pays attention and then it doesn’t work. If you keep on saying it, and not changing it, then no one pays attention and everybody knows, and that’s the way it works if you want to win at it.

When everybody knows, then no one pays attention. When someone pays attention then no one really knows, and anyone who listens is just listening to you, and the way to win at politics is to not be anybody. The only time that being seen as you will work for you is when everybody thinks that you are really them and wondering why they aren’t in charge? Then you’re being you is only for the sake of being them, which makes you then the you who isn’t you, because you are the you who’s really them, and so it is the same.

If at any time you really do become someone who unmistakably is you in politics, then you are could be in big trouble then, because you could then be the one who everyone is paying much too much attention to.

Attention is a tricky thing.

It can be a tricky thing because it seems like maybe that’s the thing you want, but you only want it in a special way, and that special way is not a way that you can really get. It can be a way that happens to you but it’s not a way that you can get. To be a winner in the game of politics, you have to have the right things happen to you, and you cannot even try to get those things to happen to you any time. When you do try to, and it is clear that you are trying to, then you ought to know you are the one who is not the one who is the winner at that game.

That again is why, and it is another way that you can see, that politics is not a spatial thing, it is temporal thing, you see, because it is a thing that happens to you, and time is just like that, and it’s not a thing that you can get, like space can be, you see?

Anyone might try. They might try to go and get something and say they did and even if it looks like maybe they did get it, they probably did not. Even though it might sound good to say they really did. Many things sound good because they are not really true.

In fact, the better something sounds, the more suspicious anybody is about it being really true. And it is a funny thing because when something really does look good, it can be easy to believe that it doesn’t really matter if it’s true or not because looking good is always good, it seems. But anything that sounds that good can always sound too good, and that happens easier than with anything that looks that good. Because things that really do look good are pleasant but not important really. And that is another reason why anyone can see that politics is not about the way that anything is looking. Politics is usually about the way that anything is sounding.

This is only just a start to how to think about it differently.

When you hear something that’s different you stop and think.

When you see something that’s different, you think you are confused.

That is why it is so popular to think that politics is all about the way that anything is looking and is being in a space that is a place. It may be popular, but really it is only popular because it is so easily apparent that it really doesn’t have that much of anything to do with how anything is looking and is being in a space that is a place.

Anything in politics is popular that really doesn’t have a lot to do with what it really is.

This is really just a start to thinking about politics in any kind of way that could ever make a difference, and it cannot thereby be a thing that could be popular.

Politics is popular. It might not be that popular to think of it as popular, but I can hardly think of anything that could ever be more popular to anyone than politics. And it is a thing that’s easy to be popular because it has no point.

When something has no point, it can be popular because it doesn’t matter much at all if really much at all, ever much at all. It doesn’t really matter.

The way things are, in how they are the way that things are run, is really so predictable, and there’s nothing new in it, and there’s nothing in it ever that’s the way that anybody wishes it to be. And there’s nothing in it ever that ever has a point that goes beyond the way of always doing it, and the fact that everybody knows the way that it is done, and that either they’re in charge or not, and that if they’re not, then whether they agree or not, which is their way of being there as if they were in charge, even though it doesn’t have a lot to do with them, and that it has no point for them. How could it have a point for them?

There is money. Money is a thing that clearly anyone can see has no quality of space at all, if at all, it is just because it is agreed it does. Because clearly, it does not have that much of anything about it that’s like space, accept in ways that can be playful when it’s pretending it is so, because clearly, no, it doesn’t really have a quality of space at all. It is a currency, and as a currency, it is something like an energy, and energy is always usually a thing that is more like time than space.

Money is a thing, but it’s only currency, and currency is time not space, because it’s all about it’s movement.

Any time you think that money is a space, and it’s all about the place that any of it is, and how much of it is there, that is the time that you are not the one who is in charge of much of it at all.

Any politician is a person who would like to have control of money, and that is why any politician is a failure.

They always are a failure. And anyone can know that anyone who is in politics always is a failure, because they spend a lot of time trying to nail down something that is like the quantum contradiction.

The quantum contradiction is about the way that anyone can understand the way things are in how it is that we cannot ever get the way things are entirely because it is a thing that moves and is. And to ever get a grip on this you have to sacrifice one aspect or another. And so you never really know and that can be irritating. And when anything is irritating for being how it is, then it can be satisfying to make it be another way. And anyone can show you how to turn something that is very irritatingly in the way it is, into something more agreeable.

Politics is very good at this because it’s all about the way things sound and not about the way they look.

There is a lot to say.

There always is a lot to say for anyone who likes to say a thing at all about the way that things are made and done, because it’s all about the way that anybody says things are and how they’re done. And that is never anything that has a point. Anything that has a point is usually a thing that isn’t anything that’s really politics.

Anyone can know something that’s going on with politics because it’s usually the same.

Here is a game to play. Try to figure out if anything that anybody says, when they say it’s politics, is different from the next thing that they say, when they say that it is also politics.