
I find myself in what appears to be a somewhat common condition of lacking sufficient time to suit my interests and desires, for spending it exhaustively, and agreeably, within what is, if not truly an enforced, still for of all that 'perceived to be as though enforced,' limited schedule (regulated to what constitutes a full day).

The issue - I am hoping to convince myself - is not my inability to properly, accordingly and expertly time manage according to this imposition, (whether it be so imposed of my own or anonymous society's doing), for I do not hold it possible to ever adequately manage all that I am seeking to put into the hours available - particularly insofar as much of its value is near enough equivalent as to make it harder thus to choose, and ensuring always a sad sacrifice of something valuable (and some self-depreciation for the failure to keep all interests alive and well expressed). So, I rather think therefore that the issue is the imposition in itself – that is to say, the agreement and its terms according to which myself and many others (from whom I have heard no less complaining and despairing regarding this condition) are subjected to and tormented by, without a clear recollection of having been persuaded ever to have signed off on.

Would that there were some one or thing that could be clearly marked as culpable for this, other than my foolish self (I cannot speak for others in this regard). Of course, there is the force of convention, which is authored by the status quo, (a thing itself ordained and maintained anonymously and as a consequence of networked relations no one person can take ownership of or be punished for), and hence perilous, mostly, it seems, to contend with, if not ponderous (for it is as hard to challenge such a force as it is to challenge hurricanes or the power of amour). What then can be done?

I seek to discover an answer.

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