Palomar - Gilbert Hernandez (Human Diastrophism)

the more than 100 page story from gilbert hernandez's palomar series ...
(originally appearing in the comic magazine love and rockets, and reprinted in a beautiful over-sized hardcover edition that reviews that series with 10 stories over 522 pages)
... is probably the most unbelievably brilliant comic-book story ever -
- brilliant for the story, and the way that it is told, and the way that it uses the medium to its fullest potential, going far beyond what most even will attempt -
- full of pathos, comedy, tragedy and horror, drama, magic, politics, philosophy, and of course romance - it is stunningly gorgeous, with incredible artistry -
- it's characters are so transparent, you forget they are not real
- of course most of this is generally true for the whole palomar series, but this particular story is the zenith, i believe -
just unbelievably amazing -

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