Spider-man 3

He is always someone who is trying to work it out. That is why anyone is someone who sees themselves in him. And because he is someone who is always trying to work it out, he is also always someone who is making big mistakes, and anyone can sympathize. Anyone who's into him is usually someone who is into him because they are someone who's feeling that of all the super powered beings that there are, he is one that they could see themselves as being like because they recognize the way he feels and of course they sympathize.

Anytime he's doing anything that anyone can understand as something they might do, they know he's trying to work it out. He sometimes tries to work the same things out. He sometimes tries to work out different things. He sometimes tries to work out lots of things at once, and some of them are different, and some of them the same. This all can be like anyone. And once again that is the thing with him - that anyone can think they are the same as him in some way or another.

This time in this movie, he is trying to work out things that he has worked out other times in different ways under different circumstances, although not entirely different. But this time he is also working out some things he hasn't really worked out yet before, and also under slightly different circumstances from what he's used to dealing with.

And in a way it is a different thing because it's everything that he has had to try to work out in himself before, plus one or two things that he hasn't, and they all are happening at once.

Anytime that any sort of thing that anyone has tried to work out anytime before when it was just one or maybe two things they were working on, will register as rather different over all when they are working on these things again, plus other things that they have worked on too, plus other things they haven't had to work on yet at all.

This time there are more things that he has to work upon, and he has to work on all of them at once, and as is usual, his first solution's not the one that's good. But we understand it, like we do, if we are anyone who's interested in what he does and how he works it out, because we would likely do the same and feel the same about it too at first, and so we sympathize.

Anyone who is someone that thinks a lot and worries lots and tries to get it right, but who is insecure and never very sure, although they keep on trying anyway, and who clearly has some talent or some power in some way that's personal or professional or artistic or whatever, can be seduced by everybody saying yes you're doing it correctly, and can also be seduced by the sudden feeling of great confidence. It's like the story of someone who is addicted to cocaine.

A hero needs a heart. When it comes to spider-man, the hero needs a heart.

Anybody needs a heart and anybody is a hero when anyone is subject to the trials and tribulations of a life and world that isn't always friendly and isn't always good, although it sometimes is, and who regardless of such difficulties always sticks to what they do believe is good and right and really does try hard to figure out just who they are and what they ought to do, and keeps on working on it too because the situation and the circumstances change a lot, and every time they do you have to work it out again.

Anybody knows that all of this is very much the sort of thing that anyone must go through, and that it is an effort, but also that there are rewards for doing it, and great satisfaction in the knowledge that you did it properly, and to get all of that done that way, you need to be a hero with a heart.

Anyone can be a hero when it comes to spider-man. Not anyone can think that they are any other sort of hero. Anybody can prefer any other of the famous super power guys and gals, but it's hard to think of them, of most of them, as being someone like we are. But spider-man is interesting this way because he is the one that anyone can think of as themselves. That is why he is the one that many like the best, because he is the one that is the closest to themselves, the way they are and the way they'd like to be.

The hero's not the one who beats the bad guys up, when it comes to spider-man. When it comes to spider-man, the hero is the one who overcomes himself and works things out.

To have a heart and be the hero, when it comes to spider-man, he must understand the good and bad in anyone, which of course includes himself. The heart's the thing that makes it possible to sympathize and empathize and to sort out areas of grey between the absolutes of black and white. At least that's the way it goes in Spider-man 3.

Spider-man 3 is all about how hard it is to sort things out when what is black and white is blurred by much that's grey. It's all about the role the heart must play in any battle, any struggle, any sort of sorting out that anybody's doing for their own or anybody else's sake, and how it is the necessary thing for sorting through the grey.

There is a lot of action, naturally. And it is interesting of course to some who like to see how well it's done, how any sort of thing that can't be done by really anyone is made to look as if it has been done by somebody, and how realistically it's done. And it is interesting of course to anybody else who likes to see the way that the action is consistent with the way that spider-man is feeling.

It is very much an art that is always done quite well by the people who do make these films. Each time they manage well to make you feel the way he feels through the way the action is. And each time it feels a little different over all. So that over time, each time, you feel a bit of how he changes as he is going longer being who he is. It is quite an art, and the people making it are always doing it exceptionally well.

Of course I like this movie. Of course I have been into spider-man for very many years. Of course this matters, naturally. But it could go any way. Anybody's work at representing spider-man, regardless of my interest in him as what he is could go any way. This work does go very well.

Anyone can like any story more or less. This is not interesting to me - depending on the way you look at story. Perhaps I do not look at story the way that anybody usually might do - perhaps I do. But I do have the feeling and the sense from what I read about the way that others do review this movie, that I look at it a different way. I do not seem to care about the things they care about. I am interested in how the movie reaches me, how it has and how it seems to have managed to. The way it has and the way it manages to do anything can be different. This one seems to be so far in accord. It all makes sense to me and I like the way that it was done.

I did not feel good after it was over. I think that this is natural and consistent with the things that were worked out and the way they were. Not everybody likes to not feel good at the end of anything. I don't necessarily enjoy not feeling good at the end of anything, but I can appreciate the way that anything has made me feel if it makes sense to feel that way. And feeling any way after anything is over can make anything afterwards happen in a certain kind of way. If this is the point, then what anybody does with that, is what is maybe interesting about how anything has made you feel.

How did it make me feel? I did not feel good. But I did not feel bad. I sort of kind of felt like I was sorting something out and I had sort of sorted it, but it was not exactly pleasant, but it was sort of necessary anyway, and so it was sort of satisfying, but it felt like more was needed. It felt like more was needed.

What more was needed? Confidence and heart. Or strength - let's say power - that is how it usually is iterated in a story about spider-man - so let's say power needs heart and heart needs power.

So the way I felt was how it feels when looking for the place of heart and power in anything I'm sorting out. And really, most of all, it made me feel like I was sorting something out.

I did not feel inclined to sort out anything, because nothing in particular was pressing, having just been in a movie. But if I sought to sort out anything, I might then sort it out a little differently, with a bit of this and a little bit of that, with power and exactitude on the one hand, and with care and melancholic empathy on the other hand.

It did feel melancholic in a way, because there is tragedy, there is often tragedy in spider-man, because when he is sorting out something, it usually calls for sacrifice.

Any sacrifice can be liberating but it also calls for loss and any loss can make you feel a little sad, even if it also is a liberating thing. And any time that anything is being sorted out in spider-man, it is his self that he is sorting out. So being left with feeling that you're sorting something out, can mean that anyone is left with feeling that their sorting themselves out, and if there's loss and sacrifice, even if there's liberation too, then the loss is personal, and that can be a little sad, and it might not be what everyone is wanting to accept to feel like after any movie that they see, but it is alright by me, depending, naturally.

There are variations on the way the story has been told before. This has always been the case with the movies about spider-man, the three of them. I do not care about this. Sometimes it's distracting momentarily. But I do not care about this really. I do not wish to see it done the way it was before, except that now it's in a movie instead of being in a comic book. I prefer that it is done a different way because it brings it back to life, and I do enjoy the way it does do that.

That is all I have to say for now.

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