Book Tour - Montreal Preview

I'm going on a little book tour to read from my new novel, Anderson.

Actually, "tour" is a bit of an exaggeration. I'm reading in three cities: Montreal, Kingston and Toronto. They're all along the same route. Once I've flown to Montreal, I'll take the train to Kingston and from there also the train to Toronto. I quite like the train and miss travelling that way, which isn't so much a thing out in the West.

So, it's kind of a long weekend tour. The first stop, Montreal —April 17th at 7PM— I'll be reading at Drawn & Quarterly bookstore. This is quite exciting, and possibly dangerous for my wallet, given my love of their comics/graphic novels. They have some of my favourite authors in that medium: Linda Barry, Chester Brown, Charles Burns, Daniel Clowes, Julie Ducet, Joe Matt, Julie Morstad, Joe Sacco, Yoshihiro Tatsumi, Adrian Tomine and Chris Ware. That's a pretty amazing list, and there are plenty others I've still to explore.

I'm reading at Drawn & Quarterly with Jacob Wren, who is another Pedlar Press author. I read with Jacob and 4 other "Pedlar Men" in Vancouver for the launch of Anderson. I bought everybody's book that night, and have read and been impressed by all of them, their unique voices. Pedlar Press is a publisher I'm very proud to be with. Jacob is based in Montreal, and I like to think of Montreal as home, even though I don't live there any more, and my immediate family is all in Toronto. But Montreal has a special place in all our hearts, wherever we live. I still have a lot of friends there that I stay in touch with, and I'm looking forward to seeing them. Hopefully, spring will be at least somewhat in effect -- I can hardly think of any where else I'd rather be when the warm weather finally returns to Montreal. Everyone is soooo happy for those first few weeks.