Love the mind

The mind is everything.

It’s all in the mind - right? According to some ancient recipes for being better than you are, the mind is the problem. But there is no outside to the mind.

The way, any sort of way, is imagined, perceived, and realised by the mind.

The mind knows the world and makes the world. The mind knows the way and makes the way. The mind knows what is beyond the mind and creates what is beyond the mind, as it does with any world beyond the mind.

Some might call the mind the spirit or the soul.

I think that the idea of the spirit and the soul are accommodated by the mind, conceived of by the mind, and harbored by the mind as being that which is beyond the mind.

I think that energy is different from the mind, and different from the soul – although it might be related to the spirit – but that all understanding of it, and management of it, is the concern of the mind.

What is the mind? There are a lot of theories. I suggest this: The mind is everything you are in you how you think, dream, perceive, feel and sense.

The mind is neither right nor wrong. It’s you that’s right or wrong according to the way that Right and Wrong have been determined to be Right or Wrong for you and your society.

If all is illusion, then nothing is illusion, because illusion is a concept that makes sense only in the context of a notion of what’s real. And if nothing’s real, then there is also no illusion.

Everything is only what it’s named, and what you and your society then make of it.

If any part of what you are is deemed essentially a problem, whether that be mind, or desire (I think desire is part of mind, as is interest, curiosity, and etc.), or some other part of you that is a basic part of you or anybody else (I’m not talking about traits of personality), then the way that preaches its eradication is a way of self destruction.

There is a technique called no mind, which is very interesting to me, because it is a state of mind, and one I think that’s very powerful. The state of no mind doesn’t mean you have no mind. It is a state of mind, so of course you do have mind. It is just a way of saying what that state of mind is like because there is an absence of a certain kind of activity that is common in the mind. No mind is a focused state of mind.

To hate the mind is to hate yourself. Loving the mind is loving yourself. Coming to peace with the mind is coming to peace with yourself.

It’s your mind, your way, your being, your self - you can do with it what you will.

I’m just talking about a way of talking about things and what it means to say things in the way you say them.

It is very interesting that we can be against ourselves.

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