movie: garden state, starring, writ and dir by zach braff (2004) - review

it was something that had a nice atmosphere about it and there was one moment with an old simon and garfunkle song that really hit home for some reason - i think it was more the song than the moment in the character's story - the song still resonates for me, but the movie doesn't really -

- the face of the actress was appealing
- the face of the actor too
- there was a lot that seemed meant to be communicated by the face in this movie
- i liked that about it - it added to, maybe even really made its atmosphere -
- the atmosphere communicated more than the story, or the characters did
- what it communicated was kind of vague though, but still somehow poignant
- maybe that's what it did communicate - poignancy

- the movie itself when i was stepped back from it had a derivative feel to it - it was a bit like a genre movie really and that put me off a little bit - i don't know really why it should - there are plenty of genre movies that i enjoy as genre movies - perhaps because the idea of genre poignancy seems crude or vulgar to me? - perhaps it is a sign of personal snobbery?

- the movie reminded me of the work of richard linkletter, but seemed inferior to his work, and in fact made we wish that i was watching a richard linkletter movie instead - that seems a little harsh to me now, but i guess in the long run, i would keep a linkletter movie to watch again, and i wouldn't keep this one, even though it did have some nice moments -

- somehow it didn't hang together for me - that doesn't always come down to the story structure, but this one was sticking out a little bit for me - i didn't really care so much about the characters, they were stand-ins for the sensibility they were meant to represent - i appreciated that representation, but i didn't really feel them for all that -

- it sort of reminded me also of the movie "beautiful girls," but again it didn't hit the mark in quite the same way - that movie has problems for me too, but it delivered more in spite of that -

- i guess "the graduate" is the parent of any of these films as genre films - that film has atmosphere, cultural resonance, great structure, philosophy, confusion, heart over reason, poetry and simon and garfunkle - and i think it set the pace for these other films, whether their film makers know it or not -

many people, apparently, liked this movie a lot - lots of praise at sundance, awards and etc.

so what do i know?

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